Take a look at these babies!
I'm still trying to find/create a light box or another good place to photograph. I also need to get an editing program like Photoshop to make these look decent! Darling hubby is working on that....
So here they are! This is a "Sneak Preview" to my full post about these. I'm sick right now and can't handle a full polish removal/nail swatch session, so for right now I'm using nail wheels. DISCLAIMER: The fact that I used the polish on these white fake nails may affect the application/finish/opacity of the polishes. These images are just to provide more information to those who haven't seen these polishes yet.
Honestly, I love every single one of these polish colors. I got the set of 4 mini bottles (the pastels) as well as the 2 remaining normal-sized bottles.

Back row, from L to R: Ogre-the-Top Blue, Funky Dunkey
Front row, from L to R: Fiercely Fiona, Who the Shrek are You?, What's with the Cattitude, Rumple's Wiggin'
NOTE: Now that I look at them, these Shrek swatches are darker than they are in real life--lighting was indoors, natural light, no sunlight or flash. Funky Dunkey is a true purple IRL, for example. I'll fix this pic later. EDIT- See 2nd picture taken in sunlight.
I was quite pleased by how well the two big bottles applied (streaky the first coat, but opaque the 2nd coat), though the four pastels did not apply nearly as well (needed 3-4 coats to get them looking good), but part of the problem could've come from the teeny little brushes that are used in the mini bottles.

From L to R: Fiercely Fiona, Who the Shrek are You?, What's with the Cattitude, Ogre-the-Top Blue, Rumple's Wiggin, Funky Dunkey
Here we go, this is much better, color-wise (but a little fuzzy):

(same order L to R as previous picture)
I got the 4-bottle mini set for this collection.

From L to R: Playa del Platinum, Turquoise & Caicos, Lapis of Luxury, Splash of Grenadine
I'm less pleased with these than I am with the Shreks. Playa del Platinum and Splash of Grenadine worked great in 3 coats, but Turquoise & Caicos and Lapis of Luxury needed 4 coats to not look really streaky.

From L to R: Playa del Platinum, Turquoise & Caicos, Lapis of Luxury, Splash of Grenadine
Thanks for looking!